Sunday, October 2, 2011

Blog Post # 6


The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler

This is a very informative video.The video showed several different ways that technology can be used in the classroom as well as outside the classroom. The video also stated that through networking a student learn connectivism.I agree that a student does learn through social networking such as Google,and Facebook, and etc. through the use of the internet. Also with technology the world is becoming totally technologically dependent .In addition, with the resource a network student can communicate around the world with other students, this is great for advancement learning in the classroom.

Also, as a teacher this will be a great resource to use in the classroom. When I was in school we did not have the knowledge of technology because it was not available in schools like it is today. Today the students are taught technology in the classroom to where they know more than their parents does. When the resources becomes available it will be a learning experience for the teachers as well as the students.

Furthermore, being in a classroom with no textbooks and the teacher sometimes lecturing sounds great, but a teacher is needed in the classroom because a student may get stuck and he/she will need assistance. Also students need to be able to ask the teacher questions if it is something that he/she does not understand about technology. Student networking is a great idea in which a student can learn and share his/her ideas.
Preparing students with the knowledge of technology is beneficial to the student in his/her life in the 21st century such as better career choices..

 Use of a PLE or PLN

A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environment(or PLN)
Welcome to MY PLE!

This video was amazing to watch on how much knowledge students have about the internet in the classroom. The student was very professional in presenting her use of her PLE.There is so much one can store on a PLE, such as gathering personal information and putting it all on one page. The PLE is also great for gathering information for school such as gathering information for a History class and storing it on the PLE. The student PLE is well organized compared to my PLN!

Furthermore, if given the right resources its amazing how far a student can expand his/her intellectual mind in educational learning from the internet. In addition, as a teacher the PLE will be useful in the classroom for gathering information for different projects. It was amazing how much the student knew about the internet compared to some adults whom are just becoming technology literate in his/her adult life.