The post by Mrs. Hines was a knowledgeable post. I agree with Mrs.Hines stating that teachers must be learners also. Teachers must have the knowledge of the materials that they will teaching so it will be effective for the students.If a teacher is teaching and have no knowledge of the material, students will not be eager to learn. When I was in school, some teachers did not have the knowledge of the materials and the students was not attentive in class.Teachers have to be self-motivated in their pursuit of understanding as stated.
Therefore, a teacher must know that learning and teaching are not the same. A teacher can teach something over and over and some students will not learn. One reason for this some students does not learn the same. This will be a learning technique for the teacher as well as the students. Teachers must make sure their techniques are effective for students to learn.
The world is becoming technology dependent,therefore technology will not be beneficial without good teaching. In order,for teachers to be equipped in the 21st century they have to be learners just like the students. Once this goal is accomplish then teachers well as students will be able to focus on technology more. Great post by Mrs. Hines
Is It Okay to Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher? by Karl Fisch
The post by Mr.Fisch was a eye opener. The reason I stated this is because the world is becoming technology dependent. If a teacher has been teaching for 25 or more years they need to gain knowledge in order to become literate when it comes to technology. A teacher will become literate in technology by going to workshops which offers this learning experience or they can go to school.This resource will give the teachers as well as the students the knowledge of technology.
In addition, on reading the post I must agree with Mr. Fisch about when a teacher has a student who is struggling in a particular subject such as Math and the parent would say "I was never any good at Math either." I hear this all the time. This is giving the student the initiative not to try and improve. This should not be an option for the student. This is the time when parents need to encourage the child to try harder even if they have to be tutored.
However; if a teacher is not willing to learned the new technology, that is the teacher as well as the students problem. Teachers and students have to be eager to learn when it comes to technology. The teacher and students are a team, they must learn together. Great post by Karl Fisch.
Gary Hayes Social Media Count
The social media count was amazing to watch as the seconds was ever changing. The media have interesting facts such as Facebook with 30 billion pieces of content being shared each month and YouTube has over 3 billion video viewed. This information is very informative that teachers can used to share with their students. This resource will let students know how fast the social media is changing every second.
Furthermore; with this type of resource as a teacher this will be a valuable tool to share with my students. This resource will benefit myself as well as the students in learning together how things are changing so rapidly. The world need to catch up or it will be left behind, with these rapid changes that is happening.Great resource.
A Vision of Students Today by Michael Wesch
This presentation is a sad presentation about a vision of students today.It will make you ask the question "If this is happening with students of today,what is about our students of tomorrow?" Will the student be more involved with what is happening around the world or just continue to focus on social networking? Viewing this video made me think more logically about what the students are really thinking about. In this presentation there were empty desks and not one student can be found. Students are not interesting in school like they were 25 years ago because there were no technology they could get a hold to like now.
Also, the presentation showed how much time was spent on Facebook, cellphones,and computers and this energy of the students was not being used when it comes to school. There was less time spent on school than the social networking of the students. This make you ask the question "Where have the priorities of the student have gone? The students need to get their priorities together or the teacher time spent teaching will be invalid.
Therefore, this presentation will make you put on a thinking cap for sure. What can be done to get the students more involved in school like they are with social networking? I must agree that technology can save us if the students are willing to learn it.
Hello Eunice!
ReplyDeleteI think you have some good points, but I sort of had a hard time finding them due to the distraction I felt from the large amount of grammar and style errors. Those are easily fixed ahead of time if you just type your blog post up in a Microsoft Word document. It will underline the spacing issues and repetitions. Also, if you read what you've written out loud, you will find places that the sentences don't sound right. That means you've either used the wrong word, verb, or even tense.
I like how you phrased this sentence: "This is the time when parents need to encourage the child to try harder even if they have to be tutored." (But 'they' should be 'he or she.' Don't worry too much about that though. That's just my inner grammar nazi lashing out.)
I think that sometimes when we come up against a tough subject--like Math as it was for me--we have a tendency to look for excuses as to why we can't seem to do as well as we would like. Your suggestion to work through the difficulty is a good one, and I personally try to live by that as much as I can.
As future teachers, we have to be willing and able to step up to the plate not only to help our students, but also to ensure that we are on top of the cutting edge techniques and technologies for the classroom.